Day 3: It was all fun and games...

The group having fun and playing games with "Los Leones," a group for at-risk boys.

Some members of our group buying drinks after a long day at work. Soda here is filled in plastic bags and the glass bottles are left behind.

The street vendors making drinks.

Salvador and Eliott hard at work making room for a water line extending alongside the new building.

Franz shadowed Dr. Flores during his morning rotation at the clinic.

Mark Lester, a historian who has lived in Nicaragua since 1985, gave us a lecture on Nicaragua's struggles in the past and present.

Dr. Lee organizing pills at the Nueva Vida pharmacy with a pharmacy student who is completing a final internship with JHC.

Nathan with Mark Lester.

Cole, Carly and, Nathan having fun with "Los Leones".

Chants created with "Los Leones".


  1. Wow! It’s so clear that you all bring such joy there! Thank you for being there and connecting. We are one....


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