Top 10 Nicaragua Moments

1.  Working with JHC at the Nueva Vida Clinic. Nothing was better than getting our hands dirty for a good cause!

2. Heading to Punta Jesus Maria on Ometepe Island to watch the beautiful sunset. 

3. Working with the cuties of Ometepes Bilingual School.

4. Visiting and swimming in the beautiful Laguna de Apoyo Natural Reserve. 

5. The trip wouldn't have been complete without the crazy bus rides (We spent 28 hours in a bus together! And as you can tell from this picture some of us look a bit..disoriented) 

6. Traveling by tractor to the El Porvenir coffee plantation! We learned all about how much hard work is put into one cup of coffee. Next time you drink a cup, drink it really slowly!  

7. Taking a picture on top of the Masaya Volcano .

8. Having wonderful charlas (seminars) with inspiring Nicaraguan artists. For example Pedro Guerrero.

9. Having a beach party with the kids of the Ometepe Bilingual School and their families. The day was full of activities, food, and swimming! It was so much fun meeting members of the Ometepe community. 

10. Being the best Managua Field School group ever! 


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