Day 4: El Porvenir

             The day started off at 7:45 A.M. with a 2 hour ride to El Porvenir that began on the Pan-American highway, which runs from Panama to the U.S. The drive consisted of a lot of great views of volcanoes, Momotombo and Momotombito, among others. During the final hours of the drive to El Porvenir we had to ride up a large mountain in a tractor to get there. Hiking up wasn’t an option, however hiking down was. At the top there ended up being views of Nicaraguan farmland as well large clouds of smoke that came from wildfires on another mountain. We were served lunch similar to what we had been receiving in the past days of the week. After eating lunch, a man named Rene who worked at the coffee plantation at El Porvenir talked to us about how the people of the cooperative functioned and explained aspects their daily lives.
For me specifically, the way they got things up to El Porvenir stood out compared to what else happened today. Families on the mountain take turns getting supplies such as soap and food. It took us about one and half hours for us to get to the bottom of the mountain to El Porvenir by tractor and from what it looked like nobody living there had access to any motor-powered vehicles, so they have to do the hikes or rides frequently. Transportation in the U.S., and Houston especially, can be taken for granted which is why what Rene told us about how they got things up the mountain stood out to me.
             After that talk we walked around the property where they had multiple acres of coffee plants. The last thing at El Porvenir we looked at was their coffee processing plant in which they showed us how they separated the parts of the bean to get what they wanted. Once we looked at everything in the processing plant, we began the hike back down and started the drive to Leon which was a more touristy area than we’ve been around most of the trip. The main purpose of going to Leon was to see a cathedral however we ended up 1 hour and 30 minutes late and weren’t able to go inside. The day ended with dinner and ice cream at Leon and the 2 hour drive back to CEPS.


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