Day 4: Co-ops and Colonial Towns, Oh My!

 Starting off the day with some early morning laundry at the "pila," or traditional washboard station.

Staring our two-hour long journey to El Porvenir and passing volcano Momotombo along Lake Managua.

 Taking a nice group photo in our cozy van for the few hours.

A gorgeous view of the trail on the base of the mountain to El Porvenir.

 A forest fire is present along the mountains we passed along side El Porvenir.

 Hopping on the tractor to begin our hour long trek up the mountain.

 The view atop of the mountain upon arriving to El Porvenir. The community has 40 families as part of the cooperative.

 We recieved a tour of the coffee co-op and here are the migrant workers quarters.

This is a Guanacasa Tree, one of the oldest and biggest trees on the farm.

 A cacao pod, which we were all able to sample.

 The Managua Field School 2018 photo looking out over the vista from El Porvenir. 

 Franz enjoyed learning about organic farming and how the farm work!

Ending our day in the city of Leon with a picture of our two beautiful leaders.


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